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Belle Vie Farm's Summer Camp 2025 will offer summer camps for children ages 3-5 (potty training not required) and 6-12.

Our weekly summer camps run from June 9-August 22. Morning Camp runs from 8:30am-12:30pm and Extended Afternoon runs until 4:30pm. Hours and fees are here. Weekly themes below!




Join the search for a Belle Vie Farm Summer Camp 2025


Each of the 11 Golden Tickets will provide its finder with one free week of morning summer camp (8:30-12:30) at Belle Vie Farm. Pick whichever week you want. Already pay for a week? No problem! If you find a ticket, we will refund your full payment for morning camp.

Learn more about our free camp giveaway here.


What's new? We have payment plans for Summer Camp 2025!

Take your time paying for a magical summer camp. Divide your payment into three installments. The first is due at the time of registration. The second installment is due January 15, 2025, with the balance due on March 31, 2025. We will send you an invoice for each installment - no need to keep track of the dates.


What else is new? Make Summer Camp friends before summer begins!


Belle Vie Farm offers pre-summer camp gatherings for families registered for at least one week of camp. What is scarier than flinging across the BVF dirt slide zipline? Coming to camp on the first day and not knowing anyone! Yikes!


We feel you - we don't like going places we don't know anyone either. Our solution? On the dates listed below, BVF summer campers and their families can join us at the farm for "summer camp lite"! We'll have a sampling of activities and, of course, bunnies, bunnies and more bunnies! If the weather is friendly (i.e. colder than a boulder, as Shelley likes to say), we'll have a fire pit burning and s'mores waiting! The farm will welcome families from 10am-12pm each date below.


  • February 23 is moved to March 1 (Saturday) due to MUD from the snow! Hope you can make it!

  • Sunday April 20

  • Saturday May 17


There is no charge for families registered for summer camp 2025. We simply ask that you RSVP here so that we can plan for the number of people who will attend.


Weekly Camp Activities

For the 2025 Belle Vie Farm Summer Camps, we will once again offer weekly themes. In addition to activities centered around the theme of the week, every camp week will include all of the following activities:

  • a hay ride

  • gem mining

  • cooking

  • gardening

  • animal care and play

  • forest play

  • water play

  • ice cream making/pickle making/popsicle making

  • soap- and/or candle-making

  • NEW this summer: Safe-style archery for all ages with Belle Vie Farm's handmade bows and arrows!


Have questions? Check out our FAQs here!


Weekly Themes for Summer 2025

For information about each camp week, click on the theme!


Week 1

June 9-13: Art Extravaganza


Week 2

June 16-20: Adventure Quest


Week 3

June 23-27: Belle Vie Campers' Got Talent!


Week 4

June 30-July 3 (no camp July 4): Sci-Fun Exploratorium


Week 5

July 7-11: Maker Camp


Week 6

July 14-18: Pirate Fever


Week 7

July 21-25: Farmer-for-a-Week


Week 8

July 28-Aug 1: Three-Dimensional & Cardboard Creations


Week 9


Aug 4-8: Magical Potions & Brews


Week 10

Aug 11-15: Survive & Thrive Camp


Week 11

Aug 18-22: Belle Vie Games & Olympics


Our Animals

Our animals include donkeys, pygora and fainting goats, rabbits, laying hens, Welsh Harlequin ducks and Russian tortoises!


Our Facilities

Belle Vie Farm Summer Camp takes place on 34 acres of farm and forest just 5 minutes from downtown Carrboro. During Summer Camp 2025, Belle Vie Farm's barn will finally be available for agritourism activities - growing microgreens, starting seeds for the garden, hatching duck eggs, and more! Belle Vie also uses Wildflower School's 1800 square foot facility (made from shipping containers!) during the summer. This space has a full kitchen, Light Studio, and Art Studio. Our camp also offers 25 acres of forest to explore, a half-acre pond filled with frogs, turtles and dragonfly nymphs, ephemeral streams for romping through, an outdoor water play area complete with a water tunnel, ramps, waterfalls, and a giant slip-and-slide.​

And, of course, Belle Vie is home to the infamous DIRT SLIDE, the 75-foot zip line and Rock Village's Climbing Web!


Our Staff


During Summer Camp 2025, our staff will be a mix of teachers from our school program and seasonal summer counselors. Our Summer Camp Director is Shelley, owner of Belle Vie Farm. More on our staffing to come as we complete hiring for the summer!





Our Creator Spaces

Campers are invited to explore our Art Studio and MakerSpace, a magical space filled with every artistic medium one could imagine: acrylics, watercolors, encaustic wax, pastels, Sharpie markers, colored crayons, a huge variety of papers, canvases and wood. Click here for a full list of available supplies. Also available are maker supplies for the engineer-minded creative! Think Scrap Exchange on a farm! From bottle caps to fabric and scrap wood to recycled plastics, the MakerSpace has something for everyone.


Morning camp for all ages (8:30am-12:30pm) is $250. Afternoon Camp (12:30pm-4:30pm) is available for campers ages 6-11. The cost per week is $150. Cancellation Policy.


If you have siblings registering, please complete the registration twice so that we have each child's information.​

Visit FAQ for more information.


dirt slide
children climbing trees
mud kitchen
child's art

Summer Camp 2025

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